Why Do Dental Implants Have a High Success Rate ?

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why do dental implants have a high success rate

Tooth loss can alter your speech, cause jawbone loss, stress your other teeth, make eating harder, and undermine your appearance. Modern dental implants are a highly effective way of dealing with the serious implications of tooth loss. Dental implants are a durable, natural, less invasive, and more successful option for responding to tooth loss than other available options.

While they are not the only option for addressing tooth loss, dental implants have an established record of success.

What Makes Dental Implants A Good Option?

Modern and advanced dental implants are designed to — and do — provide permanent replacements for missing teeth. Their successful design is built of three elements that, when treatment is provided by a dentist in Dearborn, will lead to successful results. Those three elements are a titanium post, an abutment, and a restoration.

Dental implants succeed because of how the body responds to that titanium post. A bond develops between your living jaw bone and that post through osseointegration. As a result of that process, the jawbone accepts the post as a replacement tooth with no foreign material. The abutment and restoration attached to that post have an immediate head start to present a permanent solution to your tooth loss. Dental implants succeed because your body does not perceive or react to the implant as a foreign object. Further, you don’t have to act as if the dental implant is foreign since it is permanently and securely attached to your jawbone.

Why Do Dental Implants Succeed?

Studies have been conducted on the success rates of dental implants for decades. Those studies have consistently shown success rates that exceed alternatives such as crowns and bridges. Several factors contribute to the demonstrated success rates of dental implants in Dearborn.

The implants are designed to last, made from titanium, accepted by the bone as a natural tooth that bonds to it by osseointegration.

Thanks to their advanced materials and the strong, secure bond between the titanium post and living bone, dental implants have a lifespan that significantly exceeds the 10-year life expectancy of a dental bridge.

Your dental implant is identical to your natural teeth related to maintenance and care. You can preserve the essentially permanent lifespan of your dental implants by taking the same steps that you would anyway to preserve your oral health. No exceptional efforts or products are required.

What Factors Affect The Success Of Dental Implants?

The success of dental implants is directly tied to the process of osseointegration that forms a bond between your jaw and the implant’s titanium post. That bond is best established and maintained when your body is, overall, healthy. You can support the success of your dental implants by taking steps to maintain your health and well-being generally.

You can receive dental implants on your upper or lower jaw. Implants on your lower jaw — mandible dental implants — have the highest success rates. Dental implants on the upper jaw are more challenging because they are closer to your sinus passages, resulting in lower bone density. This difference between the upper and lower jaw does not detract from the demonstrated success rates of dental implants. However, it shows the importance of consulting with a surgeon or dental office in Dearborn with experience and expertise in dental implant placement.

If you are looking for a successful and permanent solution to tooth loss, consult a dentist in Dearborn to determine whether dental implants may suit you.